Meet the team

The UBI Bath team brings together senor, mid and early career researchers, including students. We work across a range of disciplines and in countries as diverse as India and the UK.

Dr. Neil Howard

Beacon Lead (Reader in International Development)

I am an anthropologist of development turned social protection scholar.

Dr. Joe Chrisp

Beacon Co-Lead (Postdoctoral Research Associate)

I am an interdisciplinary researcher working across across economics, politics, and social policy.

Dr. Sophia Hatzisavvidou

Senior Lecturer

I am a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Politics.

Dr. Melanie Channon

Reader in Public Health

I am a demographer and social statistician working on issues affecting low- and middle-income countries.  My main research interests include menstruation, son preference, fertility transition, sexual and reproductive health, violence against women, and gender statistics.  I have expertise in the demography of South Asia, Latin America, and Africa, with a particular focus on Nepal.

Dr. Sarath Davala

is chair of BIEN (Basic Income Earth Network) and coordinator of the Indian Network on Basic Income (INBI). He is co-author of the book Basic Income: A Transformative Policy for India.

Mr Vibhor Mathur

Doctor of Philosophy, Postgraduate Research Student

I’m a researcher in social policy and development, and social entrepreneur with many years of experience in working with vulnerable and marginalised populations around the world.

Mr Nicholas Langridge

Doctor of Philosophy,Postgraduate Research Student

My research concerns the socio-ecological credentials of basic income and its compatibility with a degrowth transition.

Prof. Lorraine Whitmarsh

Professor Lorraine Whitmarsh, MBE, is an environmental psychologist, specialising in perceptions and behaviour in relation to climate change, based in the Department of Psychology, University of Bath.

Dr. Christina Demski

I am Deputy Director of the ESRC-funded Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations (CAST).

Dr. Paul Bain

Reader in Social Pyschology

Dr Paul Bain is a Reader in social psychology in the Department of Psychology at the University of Bath.

Joseph Cooke

Undergraduate Research Assistant

“A,Politics and International Relations Bsc student at the University of Bath.

Ms Maria Franchi

Doctor of Philosophy,Postgraduate Research Student

I am a doctoral student in SPS researching women’s experiences of the WorkFREE Universal Basic Income (UBI) project in Hyderabad, India in order to inform what might constitute a feminist UBI and contribute to realising the potential transformative impacts of Universal Basic Income for women and those facing other intersectional inequalities.

Prof Nick Pearce

Director of the Institute for Policy Research

I research in two broad areas: politics and contemporary history in the UK; and public policy, particularly social policy.

Dr Jurgen De Wispelaere

I am a political theorist turned public policy scholar who has specialised in the political economy of basic income.

Harisa Raja

Undergraduate Research Assistant

I’m an undergraduate student in Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Bath with an interest in human needs, and an eagerness to support the international development of Universal Basic Income as a provider for such.

Prof Lindsay Stirton

Scholar of public administration, Professor of Public Law

Lindsay Stirton is a lawyer and a scholar of public administration. He is a Professor of Public Law at the University of Sussex and Treasurer of the Basic Income Earth Network.

Dr. Ian Orton


I am currently a Social Protection Policy Officer in the Universal Social Protection Department of the International Labour Organization.

Diana Bashur

Diana is a doctoral candidate at the University of Vienna researching basic income as a complement to traditional development and peacebuilding efforts, with a focus on its potential for social cohesion.

Other Collaborators at Bath

This group includes scholars from Anthropology, Demography, Economics, International Development, Management, Mathematical Sciences, Political Science, Psychology, Public Health, Social Policy, and Sociology.

We work with colleagues across multiple Faculties within the University, including: Prof. Anna Gilmore (Psychology); Dr. Tristan Pryer (IMI); Dr. Ana Weeks (POLIS); Prof. Whitmarsh and Dr. Demski (CAST); Dr. Stefanie Gustaffson (CfW); Prof. James Copestake (CDS and SDR); Dr. Jennifer Golan (SPS); and Dr. Garcia-Lazaro (IPR). This group includes scholars from Anthropology, Demography, Economics, International Development, Management, Mathematical Sciences, Political Science, Psychology, Public Health, Social Policy, and Sociology.

The Bath UBI Beacon

Brings together researchers from across the University of Bath working on Universal Basic Income and its intersection with contemporary public policy challenges.

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